A cortex-like, 3D model of the brain can be used to screen drugs against diseases such as malignant glioma infiltration.
E-Cigarettes: Friend or Foe?
The health impacts of e-cigarette aerosols are not well known, including their effect on tracheal cells.
The Evolution of RNA Structural Probing Methods
From gels to next‐generation sequencing – The evolution of RNA structural probing methods are discussed.
The DDX5/Dbp2 Subfamily of DEAD-box RNA Helicases
Mammalian DEAD‐box RNA helicase DDX5, its paralog DDX17, and their orthologs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Drosophila melanogaster define a subfamily of DEAD‐box proteins.
Primary Cilia: Signaling of Growth Factors and Morphogens
Primary cilia, membrane-bound organelles, are key coordinators of signaling pathways.
Antimicrobial Blue Light Fights P.aeruginosa Bacterium
A team of Polish scientists discovered how antimicrobial blue light can fight against infections caused by the P. aeruginosa bacterium, that occur often in burn victims.
Maturation of pre-40S Particles in Yeast and Humans
The intricate nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation steps of pre‐40S particles, the precursors to the small ribosomal subunits, in both yeast and human cells, are reviewed.
Membraneless Nuclear Organelles and the Search for Phases Within Phases
An analysis of nuclear body protein disorder that suggests MLO proteomes are significantly more disordered than structured cellular features.
Translational Control By Poxviruses
Poxviruses are an unusual family of large double‐stranded (ds) DNA viruses that exhibit an incredible degree of self‐sufficiency and complexity in their replication and immune evasion strategies.
Hall of Fame Highlight: Robert S. Langer
Robert Langer talking about the future of drug delivery systems, his philosophy, and his efforts to make the world a better place.