These articles were highlighted on the covers the April issue of Molecular Nutrition & Food Research.

These articles were highlighted on the covers the April issue of Molecular Nutrition & Food Research.
The ACS Division of Computers in Chemistry presented poster awards at the 251st American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition.
Check out the articles highlighted on the covers of the latest issue of Molecular Nutrition & Food Research.
The showcase presents a free-to-read selection of physica status solidi articles published in 2015.
Advanced Materials Technologies is the new home for all technology-related materials applications research.
This year’s MRS Spring Meeting was again one of the largest ever.
This year, the 5th Molecular Materials Meeting (M3) will be inaugurating the Lubrizol Young Materials Science Investigator Award.
The editors of the Macromolecular Journals have nominated the top papers of 2014 for the newest edition of the Best of Macros!
The International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS) recognises three pioneers in the funding and organisation of materials research and development.
Katharina Landfester (Director, MPI for Polymer Research) describes how she and her husband manage to balance their family life and scientific careers.