Concept of ‘breathing glass’: The biobased poly(limonene carbonate) (PLimC) unifies sustainability, carbon capture and utilisation of carbon dioxide in one material.

Concept of ‘breathing glass’: The biobased poly(limonene carbonate) (PLimC) unifies sustainability, carbon capture and utilisation of carbon dioxide in one material.
Canadian researchers present a new approach to the copolymerization of methacrylic esters.
An optically transparent epoxy-siloxane molecular hybrid material that simultaneously exhibits glass-like wear resistance and strength, plastic-like modulus and a high modulus of resilience is developed by Dongchan Jang, Byeong-Soo Bae and co-workers.
Researchers from Eindhoven have developed a spiropyran containing photoresponsive size-tunable hydrogel that can be used as a micromixer or light switchable valve.
Video: Opinions on the future of polymer science, exciting recent developments, and the impact of polymer science on and its’ contribution to society.
The 2017 Journal of Polymer Science poster prizes for the Division of Polymer Physics (DPOLY) were recently awarded during the APS March meeting.
Have you ever wondered what the role of an advisory board member of a scientific journal looks like? To find out, we talked to Christopher Barner-Kowollik from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT and the Queensland University of Technology.
Membrane permeability of the capsules can be changed by physiological pH and temperature stimuli, which allows for the uptake and sustained release of protein mimics.
The NITEC reaction is explored with tetrazole-functionalised microparticles, and demonstrates micrometer-scale resolution as a surface-patterning technique.
Canadian authors show that primary amines are not essential for imidization decomposition reactions.