Researchers study new bioactive scaffolds based on PLA fibers, modified with a peptide sequence derived from fibronectin, an extracellular matrix component.

Researchers study new bioactive scaffolds based on PLA fibers, modified with a peptide sequence derived from fibronectin, an extracellular matrix component.
Swiss researchers present a postmodification protocol of a polymer that allows the creation of a variety of surfaces for different applications.
Macromolecular Reaction Engineering presents recent trends in the design of hybrid polymer materials and products, guest-edited by Maria Paulis and Jose M. Asua.
Fluorescent materials have drawn much attention as probes for imaging, diagnosis, and therapy in biological science.
The synthesis of methacrylic zwitterionic, thermoresponsive and hydrophilic (co)polymers via copper-mediated polymerization is described.
Michael Bojdys introduces a new class of two-dimensional polymeric materials for semiconductors.
Professor Hoogenboom wins the Fifth Polymer International – IUPAC award.
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics showcases some of the most exciting research from the labs of young leaders around the world in polymer science.
Researchers from the University of Akron provide an early picture of a unified understanding of dynamic interfaces in nanostructured polymeric materials.
Submit a paper to a Special Issue of the Journal of Applied Polymer Science on Structure, Properties and Applications of Thermoelectric Polymers