Developments in electrospinning core–shell nanofibres improve toughening and facilitate self-healing in nanofibre-reinforced polymer matrix composites.

Developments in electrospinning core–shell nanofibres improve toughening and facilitate self-healing in nanofibre-reinforced polymer matrix composites.
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics has published a new special issue on the shape-memory effect in polymers, guest-edited by Andreas Lendlein.
New research on recycling carbon from composites ensures that the fibers retain their properties to the greatest extent possible.
The Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry highlights some important research in the latest issue.
Rigoberto Advincula wins polymer prize for his work in synthesis, polymer brushes, nanostructured surfaces and smart coatings.
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering has published a new special issue on functional nanofibers, guest-edited by Il-Doo Kim.
The Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry highlights some important research in the latest issue.
The Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry highlights some important research in the latest issue.
Novel pH sensitive brush copolymers with biodegradable polyphosphoester side chains for use as nonviral gene vectors have been developed.
PEEK-like phthalonitrile resin has superior high-temperature and flammability properties for use in numerous marine, aerospace, and domestic applications.