Ammonia fertilizer could be produced underground, using Earth’s natural heat to significantly reduce the industry’s carbon footprint.

Ammonia fertilizer could be produced underground, using Earth’s natural heat to significantly reduce the industry’s carbon footprint.
Crops that can withstand rising temperatures could increase global food security amidst the rising threat of climate change.
The rapid growth of AI brings hope of unprecedented advancements in many sectors but what is its real carbon footprint?
Scientists have developed a process to recycle carbon fiber into valuable chemicals with the help of fungi.
Scientists uncover the role of soil fungi in improving crop yields and balancing complex plant-pollinator interactions.
Scientists explore how corals could adapt to climate change to survive, but stress that cutting emissions is crucial for their future.
A molecule emitted by rainforest plants plays a key role in forming mysterious aerosol particles in the region’s upper troposphere.
A new material designed to dissolve only in salt water could help us prevent the accumulation of microplastics in the seas.
Honey bees compete with wild bees for resources in croplands, but nutritious wildflower plantings can mitigate these effects.
Researchers develop a device that generates clean energy from food waste, using banana peels and coconuts to power communities sustainably.