This method of purification under natural sunlight opens a new paradigm in clean water production using renewable solar energy.
Sponging up oil droplets from Arctic wastewater
A re-usable sponge can capture and recover crude oil droplets from cold water to generate clean water in a fragile ecosystem.
Climate change and the city
With increasing rates of urbanization and its detrimental effects on the environment, reducing the risk posed by “urban climate change” requires more research to prepare ourselves for an uncertain future.
A natural way of turning off the carbon dioxide tap, California style
A new report outlines in quantitative detail the range of options, trade-offs, and costs to guide future policies in achieving carbon neutrality by 2045.
DIY eco-friendly fertilizer
Miniature plasma reactors mimic how lightening makes renewable nitrogen fertilizer using just sunlight, water, and air.
Addressing ozone-depleting nitrous oxide pollution with metal complexes
Synthesis of a rare metal complex of nitrous oxide opens new vistas for the degradation of a potent greenhouse gas.
Effects of increased weather variability on weed management
Researchers explore how the predicted increase in variable rainfall and higher temperatures will impact management of common weeds for corn production.
What’s so special about rivers that run dry?
As an increasing global population moves into areas where non-perennial rivers are common, we need to understand how human water needs impact when, where, and how much these rivers flow.
Today’s green investment is tomorrow’s emission reduction — models must grasp this
How ignoring the dynamics of the energy transition leads to overestimating transition cost and unjustified delay of climate action.
Inversely designing new materials for natural gas separation
A new machine learning strategy searches for desirable materials properties rather than building blocks, which researchers hope will lead to better materials to help spark a green economy.