Molten salts are renowned for operating at high temperatures and are ideal as a new generation of carbon capture media.
Supercharging carbon dioxide capture
A new carbon capture technique called supercapacitive swing adsorption separates carbon dioxide from gaseous mixtures in the air and industrial flue gases.
Solar kerosene: One giant leap for humankind
The production of kerosene directly from carbon dioxide and water promises to be a game-changer in the energy field.
How the capybara could improve biofuels
Unique enzymes found in the gut of sugarcane-eating capybaras could help convert agricultural waste into low-carbon biofuels.
Learning from a robotic octopus swimmer
A robotic swimmer that mimics the movement of octopuses could help researchers better monitor aquatic environments remotely and in real time.
Color-changing microrobots help monitor the environment
Using stimuli-responsive hydrogels with regularly arranged colloidal particles, researchers create color-changing microrobots that can freely explore and gather information.
Inspiring climate action by linking social and environmental change
We will not solve the climate crisis and inspire action without generating a shared emotional response to our changing world.
Taking the next step to renewable energy products
Shifting away from fossil fuels to renewable energy products will not only help address harmful emissions, but unwanted chemical exposure.
Creating millions of liters of aviation fuel from captured CO2
A German start-up has developed a method to convert captured carbon and hydrogen into a range of sustainable fuels.
Solar cells created with a single sheet of paper
A new ink deposition method simplifies a complicated process for creating efficient perovskite solar cells.