A star-shaped covalent organic framework efficiently removes toxic chromium species from wastewater.
Adapting to Climate Change Together
Adaptability would reduce vulnerability to global climate change, but requires better communication between researchers in the field.
Climate Change, Herbicide Resistance, and Pest Management
Pest Management Science: on climate change, resistance, the challenges and opportunities for RNA interference in pest management, and more.
Causes of Unequal Climate Change Vulnerability
Understanding why some people are especially vulnerable to climate change is an important step toward developing effective climate change response measures.
Ecological Impact is a Two-Way Street
A hierarchical perspective should be dropped in favor of a framework that recognizes organisms as an integral part of the environment.
Irreducible Uncertainty in Near-Term Climate Projections
Irreducible uncertainty of the effects of policy change on climate change brought about by the Paris agreement is discussed.
Antibacterial Nanogel-based Textiles
Guanidine-based nanogels for durable antibacterial and bacterially antiadhesive textiles.
Rural Potable Water Systems
Looking at the past and towards the future of contingent valuation and rural potable water systems.
Climate-Resilient Water Behavior
Social influence strategies for reducing water demand.
Diversity in Ancient Maya Water Management
The Classic Period Maya cities of Caracol and Tikal possessed unique urban morphologies of water management.