Tree roots and stumps help to safely and cleanly extract ground water for human consumption.
The Risks of using Waterbodies to Heat and Cool Infrastructure
Waterbodies such as oceans, lakes, rivers and aquifers represent large reserves of thermal energy, which can be used to heat or cool nearby buildings and infrastructure.
Rivers are Social-Ecological Systems: Integration of Human Dimensions into the Riverscape
The interplay between people and nature is clear.
Transformational Adaptation of Agricultural Systems to Climate Change
Architesh Panda explores how the usage of the concept of ‘transformational adaptation’ (TA) in the context of agriculture has increased in recent years.
Robust Measurement of Hydrological Properties under a Changing Climate
Information about, and analysis of, how hydrological systems might respond to climate change is important for supporting best practice water planning decisions.
Catching Fresh Water
Scientists discover a way to harvest fresh water from air, also in arid regions.
Alzheimer’s Disease and Beets?
Betanin may help slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
Environmental Water Efficiency: Maximizing Benefits and Minimizing Costs of Environmental Water Use and Management
Historically, the focus has been: how much water does the environment need? Finding the “right” allocation of water between consumptive and environmental water uses is a question of allocative efficiency. However, once water is allocated to the environment, question becomes: how can we get the best outcomes from this water?
The Drop that Makes A Vase Overflow
Understanding Maya society through daily water management.
Technical and Social Problems of Nuclear Waste
The waste forms produced during the process of generating nuclear energy constitute a nearly intractable management problem because of technical and social factors.