Southern Mesopotamia, modern southern Iraq, was home to the world’s oldest cities and complex societies.
Planning for Ecological Drought: Integrating Ecosystem Services and Vulnerability Assessment
As research recognizes the importance of ecological impacts of drought to natural and human communities, drought planning processes need to better incorporate ecological impacts.
Flexible and Durable Salinity Sensors
Reseachers from KAUST present their flexible and biofouling independent salinity sensors.
Biodegradation of Plastic Waste
Researchers in Germany exploit enzymes to break down and recycle the most widely-used plastic for packaging.
Using Trees for Bioenergy and Phytotechnologies
Poplars and willows are sustainably grown to conserve or utilize water in a variety of applications.
What Happens to Water When Forests are Thinned in Dry Regions?
Extended droughts, or droughts that are warmer or more frequent than they have been in the past, can have large consequences on water availability, forest productivity, and forest mortality.
Integrating Human Behavior Dynamics into Drought Risk Assessment
As climate variability continues to increase and socioeconomic development influences the distribution of wealth and people, drought risk is expected to increase in many parts of the world.
Influence of Protein on the Antimicrobial Effect of Plasma
Can plasma offer a solution for decontamination of food or water which includes the presence of proteins?
Monitoring the Riverine Pulse
Improving our understanding of hydrologic and biogeochemical processes through nitrate evolution.
A Review of Past and Projected Changes in Australia’s Rainfall
As Australia is the second driest continent on Earth, reliable projections around the trends and variability in future rainfall are crucial for policymakers and water resource management.