In contrast to healthy tissue, tumors demand a high supply of nutrients and oxygen, and will invade existing vessels and develop new ones to meet these demands.
Safe Smiling: Bleaching Teeth Using Plasma Jet
Taiwanese scientists create a new atmospheric-pressure plasma jet tooth bleaching method that is safe, cost effective and portable.
Reinventing Wood
Wood could potentially replace petrol in chemistry and concrete in construction, according to studies conducted under the Swiss Research Programme “Resource Wood”.
Polymer Microcups for Neural Devices and Drug Delivery
University of Houston and Pennsylvania State University researchers fabricate conducting polymer microcups from polylactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) for neural applications and drug delivery. These microcups are tunable in terms of size, surface roughness, electrical properties, and drug release.
Lemon-based Bio-Plastics
Spanish researcher found a way to replace bisphenol-A with limonene in polycarbonates.
Fiber Directed Cell Growth in Injectable Hydrogels
A simple and effective, injectable hydrogel system with tunable fiber orientation for directed cell growth in demonstrated.
Computational Peptide Design Meets Nature
A novel, nature template-based computation design method has been proposed, and demonstrates the potential for design of peptides for chemical biology and medicinal chemistry.
Omics Insights into (Nano)Materials–Organism Interactions
PROTEOMICS is inviting papers for a Special Issue on Omics insights into (nano)materials–organism interactions.
RNA Nanotechnology and Biomedical Applications: RNA Versatility, Flexibility and Thermostability
Recent advances in fabricating RNA nanostructures are highlighted, including their applications in vivo as imaging or therapeutic devices via specific delivery and targeting, or intracellular expression and assembly.
Cellular Therapeutics: Small Molecule Signaling, Regulation, and Potential Applications
Small molecules have many important roles across the tree of life.