Light-triggered myosin allows real-time study of cells
Gaining muscle from mussels: High-strength CNT composite fibres
Merging the ultra-strong nature of carbon nanotubes and mussel-inspired linker molecules renders high-strength fibres via a simple spinning process.
Increasing Interface Interaction for Titanium Medical Implants
A new approach to the development of functional and biocompatible coatings for titanium metal implants aims to reduce their failure rates by altering the nano-morphology of the surface.
Natural Nanochemistry: Artificial Petrification
Professor Geoffrey Ozin from the University of Toronto discusses the endless possibilities of biomimicry and biotemplating.
Artificial ECM with chemical, electrical, and mechanical cues for stem cell differentiation
A new 3D artificial extracellular matrix provides a combination of chemical, electrical, and mechanical cues to influence stem cell differentiation.
Prof. Taeghwan Hyeon on 'Silica based intelligent nanoparticle systems'
Progress towards multifunctional biomedical applications for silica-based nanoparticles is described by Prof. Taeghwan Hyeon
Switch On: Solid-State Atomics Switches That Learn
The human brain is one of the most complicated machines that Nature has ever invented. Can we ever hope to artificially replicate its incredible complexity?
Bioinspired Materials: Bridging the Gap between Polymer Science and Life Sciences
Since the early days of materials research, progress in materials science and engineering has strongly benefited from achieving better insight into complex biological systems.