An electric field tunable quasiparticle discovered in a common 2D material has great potential for application in optoelectronic devices.
Not a Stretch: Flexible Hydrogels with Structural Color
New hydrogels from magnetic photonic crystal units combine the advantages of structural colour and the flexibility needed for biological applications.
Energy Perspectives: Jun Lu and Khalil Amine Evaluate Li Batteries for Electronic Vehicles
Jun Lu and Khalil Amine evaluate the current and upcoming lithium battery technologies for electronic vehicles, including component recyclability.
Skin-Based Electronic Sensor Doubles as an Interactive Display
A new skin-mounted sensor uses the skin itself as a floating electrode, enabling low-power health monitoring and doubles as an electroluminescent display.
Pioneers in Science: Konstantin Novoselov
Today Advanced Science News celebrates the 45th birthday of Nobel Laureate Sir Konstantin Novoselov.
Monitoring Marine Creatures in the Deep Sea [Video]
Non-invasive wearable devices are designed for biologging species in underwater environments.
Self-Healing Hydrogels for Wearable Electronics
Electrically conductive hydrogels are a promising platform for flexible supercapacitors and batteries.
Tannic Acid Improves Adhesive Strength and Sustainability
Tannic acid, commonly used in medicine or the technical and food industry, may soon help make electronic components and adhesives more durable and better for the environment.
Implantable Electronics for Cerebral Aneurysm Monitoring
A fully printed, wireless, stretchable, implantable biosystem that offers batteryless, real-time monitoring of cerebral aneurysm hemodynamics is developed.
Complete Freedom for Direct Writing Liquid Metal Patterns
Prof. Jungchul Lee reports a four degrees-of-freedom direct writing technique for liquid metal patterns.