Xinliang Feng on his passion for materials science and his curious nature that started it all.
Hall of Fame Highlight: Kilwon Cho
Kilwon Cho is a materials scientist who hopes to see his research on organic electronics applied in everyday life.
Hall of Fame Highlight: Liming Dai
Metal-free catalysts and the need for a sustainable present and future: meet Professor Liming Dai.
Towards “Phase Transition” Data Storage [Video]
Controlling the “phase” of a small number of Xenon atoms is a significant step towards data storage systems on the level of single atoms.
Advanced Intelligent Systems: New Premium Open Access Journal, Now Open for Submission!
Advanced Intelligent Systems will publish multidisciplinary scientific and engineering research related to intelligent systems. The journal is now open for submission!
Energy Perspectives: Paul Shearing Explains Thermal Runaway in Lithium Batteries
Paul Shearing of UCL explains thermal runaway observed in lithium-based battery systems, and comments on its mitigation and the future of battery safety.
Metavalent Bonding: Materials on the Edge
Metavalent bonding shows physically observable features that are “between those of covalency and metallicity, but distinctly different from both”.
Printing Electronic Components like Newspapers
Roll-to-roll laser-induced superplasticity, a new fabrication method, prints metals at nanoscale for making electronic devices.
Recycling of Paper-based Electronics for a Sustainable World
Recyclable, paper-based electronic circuits that reduce pollution and save on resources.
Sensing Glucose while Sweating
A wearable electronic device that can monitor glucose levels alongside vital signs adds another dimension to personalized health management.