Researchers use stick insect locomotion as inspiration for machine learning approaches to teaching robots how to walk.

Researchers use stick insect locomotion as inspiration for machine learning approaches to teaching robots how to walk.
The forest floor should be able to make a meal out of this new drone made of almost completely from biodegradable parts.
To make swarms of honeybee-sized robots, researchers propose new design and fabrication methods to cut down on time and resources.
A thin film composed of small magnetic whirls called skyrmions performs voice pattern recognition with an accuracy approaching 99%.
An intelligent eye tracker allows for accurate, hands-free remote control of robots without the need for joysticks or other devices.
Just like successful therapist or coach relationships, machine-human relationships require engagement and trust if robots are to be useful.
Resembling a balloon filled with coffee grounds, this gripper uses granular jamming and electrostatic interactions to manipulate objects.
The replacement of rigid parts could help robots more closely mimic the humble worm to help them squeeze into tight spots.
An innovative design allows for sensitive soft robots that can navigate difficult tasks and environments without bulky sensors.
4D printing of metallic shape-morphing systems can be applied in many fields, including aerospace, smart manufacturing, naval equipment, and biomedical engineering.