Chuanbo Gao and co-workers present a mild, robust and effective strategy to remove capping ligands from noble metal nanocrystals for surface-enhanced Raman scattering and catalytic applications.
Using Laserbeams To Safely Operate on Teeth
A team of German scientist developed a new laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy approach that can differentiate between hard and soft tissue in the mouth region and could help improve surgical dental treatment.
Multicolor, Fluorescent Supercapacitor Fibers Light Up the Night
A novel family of colorful fluorescent supercapacitor fibers allows for continuous energy storage in flexible systems used in the dark.
Rainbow Cell Barcoding: Fluorescent Polymer Nanoparticles
A method that allows the long-term labeling of different cell populations in tens of different colors using fluorescent nanoparticles.
Cytometry Part A Special Sections on Imaging Cytometry
Two new, Special Sections dedicated to imaging technologies.
A Yellow Polariton Condensate in a Dye Filled Microcavity
Pavlos G. Lagoudakis, David G. Lidzey and co-workers observed polariton condensation in the yellow part of the visible spectrum from a planar organic semiconductor microcavity containing the molecular dye bromine-substituted boron-dipyrromethene.
Spontaneous and Stimulated: Combined Raman Imaging Reveals News About Heart Diseases
A team of German scientists used fast spontaneous Raman and Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) combined imaging to study the distribution and composition of lipids related to cardiovascular disease.
Improved FMT Technology To Image Deep Tissue Regions
German scientists recently developed an improved FMT reconstruction for the imaging of deep tissue regions which could be beneficial in imaging colon cancer and inflammatory bowel disease.
The Evolution of Inorganic Halide Perovskites in Optoelectronics
An outline of the recent progress in the syntheses of IMH perovskites is provided.
Small But High-Speed Steps Closer To Understanding Brain Strokes
American neuro-scientists recently demonstrated getting a small step closer to creating a better understanding of so-called mini-strokes, which are related to cognitive decline and dementia, using high-speed optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy.