Sleep apnea patients may soon sleep easier thanks to a comfortable, remote wearable device that tracks breathing patterns with the help of AI.
Self-powered nanosensor to transform vehicle safety
Drawing power from the electrical fields of nearby objects, this nanosensor enhances vehicle safety and slashes energy consumption.
How Internet of Things could help stave off a food crisis
With innovations in biosensors, Internet of Things, and machine learning, a collective effort could offer a way to overcome an impending shortage.
3D printing mimics human tissue for breakthrough discoveries
Scientists employ cutting-edge 3D printing to recreate human-like tissue, promising a breakthrough in cellular research and potential insights into aging and disease.
A new soft sensor gives robots the power to see, feel, and make decisions
Groundbreaking soft sensors enable robots to both see and feel, paving the way for robots that can autonomously interact with and understand their environment.
Harnessing entanglement and curved spacetime to make quantum radar a reality
Scientists investigate the synergy of entanglement and curved spacetime in advancing quantum radar technology for precise distance measurement.
Bringing aqueous rechargeable zinc iodine batteries to the mainstream energy market
New research aims to improve the stability and safety of alternatives to rechargeable lithium-ion batteries using aqueous zinc and hydrogels.
What will it take to make sodium and potassium batteries viable alternatives to lithium?
Scientists explore the challenges facing alternatives to lithium-ion batteries and suggests a roadmap to overcome these obstacles.
A simple tweak supercharges microscopes and allows pathogen observation
A modification to conventional microscopes pushes the limits of their resolution and enables high-precision observation of difficult-to-observe pathogens.
Artificial fingerprints could dramatically enhance biometric security
Liquid crystals that generate unclonable fingerprint-like patterns could make the sale of counterfeit goods and theft of personal data much more difficult.