A thin film composed of small magnetic whirls called skyrmions performs voice pattern recognition with an accuracy approaching 99%.

A thin film composed of small magnetic whirls called skyrmions performs voice pattern recognition with an accuracy approaching 99%.
An intelligent eye tracker allows for accurate, hands-free remote control of robots without the need for joysticks or other devices.
Using the adhesive properties of ice, researchers have developed a transfer method to move large sheets of 2D materials without breaking them.
Just like successful therapist or coach relationships, machine-human relationships require engagement and trust if robots are to be useful.
A new study proposes a technique to print images on a special surface such that they can only be seen by authorized recipients.
4D printing produces a living polymer network that can be printed into 3D shapes and then broken down into its monomer units for reuse.
Resembling a balloon filled with coffee grounds, this gripper uses granular jamming and electrostatic interactions to manipulate objects.
Researchers turn to nanotechnology to boost the detection of pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2.
A novel hydrogel component could increase the life cycle of cheap, safe, environmentally friendly, and energy-efficient batteries.
Using sound fields to trap particles and mold matter in complex shapes, scientists are taking 3D printing to the next level.