Recreating the bead-like structure of seal whiskers grants scientists insight into new underwater technologies.
Reviving mechanical computers for use in extreme environments
Putting a modern spin on old tech, scientists create a mechanical computer from metamaterials for situations where electronic computers break down.
Robotic wing reveals secrets of bird flight
A newly built biohybrid wing could lead to new drone designs, and reveals that wing folding is key to efficient flight.
Caturo: The smallest concentric tube robot ever made
Scientists have high hopes for a tiny glass tube robot in improving the capabilities and safety of robots used in non-invasive microsurgeries.
A smart laparoscope that self-adjusts during surgery
Researchers use machine learning techniques to decrease the workload of surgeons.
Seahorse-inspired grabbing robots to help clean up our oceans
Researchers take a lead from seahorse tails to develop grasping robots that could help clear up trash from our oceans.
Artificial neural networks made from memristors for brain-inspired computing
Artificial neural networks made from domain walls mimic synapses and neurons in the brain for neuromorphic computers.
Mechanical sensors inspired by crocodile skin
A uniquely sensitive, stretchable pressure sensor for prosthetics, soft robotics, and human-machine interfaces.
A self-breathing battery helps robots take a deep dive
A new battery design not only provides energy,not only provides energy, but facilitates automatic surfacing and diving mechanisms in electronic, underwater equipment.
Blood-curdling inspiration for mixed-size porous materials
Blood coagulation is a common but delicate physiological behavior and is inspiring new porous materials.