The power demands of the Internet of Things could be combated with computing systems that mimic biological neurons.

The power demands of the Internet of Things could be combated with computing systems that mimic biological neurons.
Borrowing its shape from a disposable to-go cup lid, this new drone wing adapts to its surroundings all on its own.
A mini, portable tool to measure light could improve everything from smartphone cameras to environmental monitoring.
Fusing data from multiple moving cameras helps robots generate realistic 3D maps of their surroundings.
With the help of machine learning, a skin-like sensor internalizes different stimuli, allowing it to read and interpret hand movement.
A tiny battery built into smart contact lenses produces its own power through eye blinking, relying on tears and oxygen to power its cells.
A three-unit soft actuator brings together ease of fabrication and state-of-the-art design to overcome challenges in robotics.
Sensors developed to respond to jaw movement can be connected wirelessly to different devices for hands-free control.
Swimming cellbots capable of autonomous motion and drug encapsulation can deliver their payload at desired sites.
A team led by Wubin Bai developed a novel wearable sensor patch that provides a safe, real-time, less invasive and low-cost way to track a patient’s recovery.