Computers relying on subatomic physics: what are quantum computers, and how will they revolutionize our computing abilities?
Diamonds created in minutes at room temperature
A new study finds diamonds can actually form at room temperature, under the right pressure.
A fresh look at the heart
The FRESH-technique for 3D printing heart models could be a game changer for budding surgeons.
What’s sweeter than a robot made from candy?
By mixing sugar and magnetic particles, researchers create biodegradable “CANDYBOTS” with potential applications in drug delivery and ingestible devices.
Highly uniform perovskite artificial synapses for reservoir computing
Minimizing the variability between individual artificial synapses is a key step toward rolling them out for practical applications.
“Robotic snake” can grip and pick up objects
Researchers in Australia take inspiration from nature to create a soft-robotic gripper that moves away from the conventional hand-like design.
Self-folding paper structures, right out of the printer
Scientists develop a simple method that mimics plant motion to get paper to fold itself after printing.
Making 3D nanosuperconductors with DNA
Complex 3D nanoscale architectures based on DNA self-assembly can conduct electricity without resistance and may provide a platform for fabricating quantum computing and sensing devices.
Jamming solids find use as all-purpose robotic skin
An active polymer skin that can be be reshaped on-demand takes existing technologies and adapts their functionalities to the needs of a changing environment.
A new device with unique functionality could signal a new design philosophy for electronics
Multimodal thin-film transistors, or MMTs, could be pivotal in designing the next-generation of wearables and eco-disposable sensors.