Scientists design a stretchable, adhesive, self-healing material that can change color as a result of movement for real-time motion sensors.
A pair of micro-pliers grown on hair-sized optical fibers
A pair of micro-scale pliers was made from a liquid crystalline elastomer and fiber optic wire, which can reversibly change shape in response to visible light.
Artificial neural networks built with memristive neurons
Bursting dynamics that mimic the functions of the human brain pave the way for more efficient AI systems.
The high-throughput highway to computational optoelectronic semiconductor screening
High-throughput computational materials screening is turning out to be an efficient highway to optoelectronic semiconductor design.
Flagella inspire spiraling microrobots
Researchers develop microrobots that can sense their external environments and adapt their motion, similar to living organisms.
“Physical intelligence” drives the remote control of liquid volumes
A new and simple working principle for liquid manipulation and a complete exploration of the opportunities of a multipurpose platform guided by physical intelligence.
High performance supercaps made from cotton waste and seawater
Researchers explore an alternative, green supercapacitor concept that relies on seawater and carbon fibers derived from waste cotton.
Teleportation is possible, it just depends on scale
Using the principles of quantum mechanics, scientists are unlocking incredible computing powers one experiment at a time.
Self-powered forest fire detection
Developing a battery-free electronic sensor to monitor the forest.
Building soft microrobots on demand from active colloids
A new soft microrobot harnesses electromagnetic and thermal energy at the nanoscale to self-assemble from colloidal nanomachines.