An energy-harvesting wearable patch continuously monitors blood sugar levels via sweat to prevent hypoglycemic events in diabetic patients.

An energy-harvesting wearable patch continuously monitors blood sugar levels via sweat to prevent hypoglycemic events in diabetic patients.
Dive into the mesmerizing world of sharks and rays, where vibrant blues emerge through never-before-seen structural colors.
Computers based on memristors promise significant energy savings and improved accuracy in large-scale computing.
Plant cells outperform yeast or bacteria in producing spider silk proteins, enhancing production efficiency.
A radical superconducting qubit design promises to extend their runtime by addressing decoherence challenges in quantum computing.
Breakthrough molecular tape streamlines transfer of fragile 2D materials, opening doors for industrial-scale production.
An innovative imaging technique helps visualize in real-time how high doses of ibuprofen affect the integrity of red blood cells.
A groundbreaking titanium metamaterial with unparalleled strength and versatility could revolutionize manufacturing and high-speed aviation.
Researchers are tackling the growing problem of electronic waste by designing wearable electronics from sustainable and recyclable materials.
E-CASE liquid metal adhesive enables flexible connections to make better, tougher flexible electronics for wearables and robotics.