Cutting-edge smart packaging uses a color-changing sensor to detect food spoilage, revolutionizing quality control and safety in the food industry.
Detecting fires with the Internet of Things
A new fire-warning technology integrated into children’s clothing can be linked up to a mobile device for early detection and proactive safety measures.
How “wavy” whiskers help seals detect faraway prey
Recreating the bead-like structure of seal whiskers grants scientists insight into new underwater technologies.
Mechanical sensors inspired by crocodile skin
A uniquely sensitive, stretchable pressure sensor for prosthetics, soft robotics, and human-machine interfaces.
Sensor translates sign language into audio
With the help of machine learning, a skin-like sensor internalizes different stimuli, allowing it to read and interpret hand movement.
Wireless, wearable sensor created for deep-tissue monitoring
A team led by Wubin Bai developed a novel wearable sensor patch that provides a safe, real-time, less invasive and low-cost way to track a patient’s recovery.
A smart pillowcase that tracks sleep
A new smart pillowcase not only tracks sleep but is powered by head movement, providing a more accurate means of monitoring sleep cycles.
Pesticide detection improved using flame spray technique
The new sensors reliably and uniformly detected molecular signals, and their performance remained intact when tested again after two and a half months.
Smart knitted garments monitor the heart
Wearable devices for health monitoring don’t have to be limited to just smart watches and fitness trackers.
New blood sensor makes colonoscopies safer
A new blood sensor utilizes miniaturized channels to monitor for accidental bleeding during colonoscopies.