Researchers have developed a colloidal gold test strip for Cardiac troponin I detection based on microplasma generated gold nanoparticles.

Researchers have developed a colloidal gold test strip for Cardiac troponin I detection based on microplasma generated gold nanoparticles.
Researchers shine light into muscle to detect instructions for artificial limbs.
Researchers have demonstrated free-space laser excitation of whispering gallery modes in vertically suspended oil droplets, recording Q-factors of over 105.
The Terrones group at The Pennsylvania State University in the US has reported a controlled technique able to dope graphene with silicon atoms.
Check out the articles highlighted on the covers of the latest issue of Advanced Optical Materials.
A liquid interface has the unique capability to provide a common meeting point for hydrophobic, hydrophilic and airborne species, allowing them all to interact.
Work is underway at BAE Systems to give aircraft human-like ‘skin’, enabling the detection of injury or damage.
Chinese group develop a novel nanofiber-array sensor and experimentally demonstrate its potential in the detection and sizing of single nanoparticles.
Researchers have developed a DNA biosensor system by controlling the aggregation of AuNPs using horseradish-peroxidase-mimicking DNAzyme.
A team from MIT explores the dynamics and operation of a hypothetical insulin sensor using a model for glucose, insulin and glucagon circulating in the body.