A new skin-mounted sensor uses the skin itself as a floating electrode, enabling low-power health monitoring and doubles as an electroluminescent display.
Integrating Wearable Medical Sensors into Clothing
Body area networks based on near-field communication technology allow for inconspicuous medical sensing.
Monitoring Marine Creatures in the Deep Sea [Video]
Non-invasive wearable devices are designed for biologging species in underwater environments.
Implantable Electronics for Cerebral Aneurysm Monitoring
A fully printed, wireless, stretchable, implantable biosystem that offers batteryless, real-time monitoring of cerebral aneurysm hemodynamics is developed.
Catalytic Gold Rush: Ultrathin 2D Metal Nanomaterials
Gold “nanoseaweeds” exhibit high efficiency as heterogeneous nanocatalysts and peroxidase-mimicking nanoenzymes.
A Magnetic Composite for Artificial Skin Technologies
Integration of a magnetic elastomer with data-driven analysis leads to a continuous interaction surface that can estimate location and depth of indentation.
Aqueous Electrolyte-Gated Organic Transistors as Pressure Sensors
Reseachers from ICMAB present their aqueous electrolyte-gated organic transistors.
E-Tattoo Enables Heart Health Monitoring
An e-tattoo measures cardiac health in two ways and can be monitored on a smartphone.
Celebrating the First Full Impact Factor of Advanced Materials Technologies
Advanced Materials Technologies celebrates its first full impact factor of 5.395.
Toward a Human-Like Soft Robotic Hand
Researchers in Japan take one step closer to making a prosthetic hand with human-like sensory and mechanical capabilities.