
by | Jul 25, 2012

  This book is unique since no methodologies for experimenters exist that put practical tools into a scientific context. There are plenty of books discussing fundamentals of scientific thought on a strictly philosophical level. There are also books that cover statistical tools without discussing how measurement data are turned into scientific results. Surveying the market, […]
  This book is unique since no methodologies for experimenters exist that put practical tools into a scientific context. There are plenty of books discussing fundamentals of scientific thought on a strictly philosophical level. There are also books that cover statistical tools without discussing how measurement data are turned into scientific results. Surveying the market, you find no books that merge these aspects of science into a practical workable methodology for experimenters.

The book will be organized in two parts: the first one a general introduction to the scientific approach and the second describing tools and methodology. Part one introduces concepts and ideas that will be used later. A historical chapter describes the birth of scientific thought with the focus on the experimental method. This is followed by a discussion about what science is, and is not. It finishes with a discussion about differences between science and engineering. Part two features a number of selected historical experiments to explore what is characteristic of good experiments. This is followed by statistical methods that are used in the subsequent methodology, including design of experiments (DoE). Even for those who will not use DoE regularly, it is useful to be familiar with the method as it helps understand the importance of separating effects of different factors in an experiment. The remaining chapters present the methodology which leads the reader through an experimental investigation in four phases: planning, data collection, analysis, and synthesis. At the very end, a short introduction to project management is given, which will be useful for students responsible for their own projects. A detailed description of the contents is given below. Every chapter contains examples and exercises making it equally suited as course literature or for self-studies. [288 Pages, Softcover]

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