Advanced Engineering Materials has recently published its special section, “Light Materials – Science And Technology”. Guest editors, Axel von Hehl (Leibniz Institute for Materials Engineering, Germany), Jürgen Hirsch (Hydro Aluminium Rolled Products GmbH, Germany), Karl Ulrich Kainer (Helmholtz‐Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany), Christoph Leyens (Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS, Dresden), selected 12 papers that were presented at the 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on “Light Materials – Science and Technology” (LightMAT2017) in September 2017. More than 200 experts from science and industry met in Bremen, Germany, to present and discuss their recent research on light-weighted and strong materials.
Since the beginning of industrial production, the demand for light and strong materials has steadily increased. Rapid technological development has simultaneously led to today’s light materials and associated production processes. Today, light materials are common in almost all technical applications of human life, for example, current means of transport would be inconceivable without them.

3D QR codes embedded in an additive manufactured part. The QR code is segmented in numerous pieces and only one viewing angle provides the correct code image as shown in four overlay images.
The selected papers are now published in this special section to share recent advances and achievements in the emerging research field with broader scientific and industrial communities. The papers cover various topics including microstructure development, hybrid materials, advanced materials processing, and disruptive technologies such as additive manufacturing.
Please continue here to read this Special Section.
The following articles have been highlighted and are free to read for a limited amount of time:
Embedding Tracking Codes in Additive Manufactured Parts for Product Authentication (Front Cover, see Figure)
Fei Chen, Yuxi Luo, Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos, Michail Maniatakos, Khaled Shahin, Nikhil Gupta
New Core Technology for Light Metal Casting
Jörg Weise, Jennifer Hilbers, Farina Handels, Dirk Lehmhus, Matthias Busse, Michael Heuser
The Effect of Precipitates on Twinning in Magnesium Alloys
Joseph Robson, Matthew R. Barnett
Due to the success of the conference there will be a 3rd LightMAT2019 conference held in Manchester, UK, in November 2019.