Researchers describe the experimental realization of an optical switch controlled by a single photon, allowing light to govern the transmission of light.
Metallic bubble wrap superior to traditional alternatives
Bubble wrap is lighter, stronger and more flexible than sheet metal and more heat- and chemical-resistant than plastic or other polymer-based bubble wraps.
EPFL researchers control optical signal tranmission
Scientists have discovered how optical signal transmission can be controlled, which could lead to integration of plasmonics with electronic circuits.
Mark Allen is first scientific director of Singh Center for Nanotechnology
Mark G. Allen has been named the inaugural scientific director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Krishna P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology.
Nanoscale heat dissipation now better understood
An international research team has shown the unique ways in which heat dissipates at the tiniest scales.
Dr. Angela Belcher awarded 2013 Lemelson-MIT Prize
Leading nanotechnology scientist wins award for research inspired by nature and its ability to create materials.
Spin-Hall effect observation is a step towards "atomtronics"
Researchers at NIST have reported the first observation of the “spin Hall effect” in a Bose-Einstein condensate.
2013 Thomas Kuhn Paradigm Shift Award
Dr. O. Anatole von Lilienfeld of Argonne has been awarded the 2013 Thomas Kuhn Paradigm Shift prize of the “Computers in Chemistry” division of the ACS.
New microbatteries are the most powerful on the planet
Technology out-powers even the best supercapacitors and could drive new applications in radio communications and compact electronics.
2D nanocrystals developed for future computing applications
Technology is based on metal di-chalogenides, which are emerging as potential candidates to replace current CMOS materials.