Conflict between theory and observational evidence suggests a missing ingredient in our understanding of the early Universe.
Evolution of the Universe simulated in a lab
Using the motion of sound waves through a superfluid liquid, scientists can model the Universe’s evolution on a reasonable time scale.
Is the Universe running out of stars?
Astronomers are discovering that the rate of star formation in the universe is dropping, and they want to know why.
String theory used to describe the expanding universe
To address unknown quantum gravitational effects in the early universe, physicists have recruited string theory to help solve the problem.
Glimmers in the cosmic dawn: New observations challenge theory of supermassive black hole formation
Hubble’s deep near-infrared campaign reveals more supermassive black holes in the early universe than previously expected.
Gigantic cosmic strings may have spawned supermassive black holes and galaxies
Scientists theorize that cosmic strings interacting with dense matter in the early universe provided the seeds for galaxies and black holes.
“Cosmic vine” discovered by the James Webb Space Telescope
The twenty gravitationally connected galaxies extend through the early Universe for millions of light years.
Scientists detect water and carbon monoxide in far away galaxy
Water and carbon detected in a galaxy 13 billion light-years away provide a glimpse into how these elements impacted the development of the early universe.
Galactic winds from black holes found to influence the evolution of galaxies
Astronomers have discovered that black holes trigger the formation of galactic winds that greatly influence star formation.
Magnetic fields from the beginning of time may resolve the Hubble tension
By adding primordial magnetic fields to the Standard Model, researchers may solve the mystery of the Universe’s expansion.