Results for "organoid"
This month in pictures

This month in pictures

Living optical fibers, nickel skeletons, and superconducting graphene — this edition of our Science in pictures series contains more incredible images selected by our editors.

This month in pictures

This month in pictures

From patchwork liquid marbles, artificial nerve grafts, and giant perovskites, this gallery features a host of incredible images, bringing life to the research behind them.

This month in pictures

This month in pictures

From Trojan horses that help sneak therapeutics past the blood–brain barrier to advanced brain models built on microchips, we celebrate innovative science in breathtaking images.

This month in pictures

This month in pictures

From micrometer-sized nanoflowers to hydrogel hearts, this edition of “This month in pictures” features more intriguing images from our journals and the science behind them.