The interplay between people and nature is clear.
Technical and Social Problems of Nuclear Waste
The waste forms produced during the process of generating nuclear energy constitute a nearly intractable management problem because of technical and social factors.
WIREs – Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cover Articles featuring Physical, Life, and Social Sciences
The award-winning WIREs (Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews) series combines some of the most powerful features of encyclopedic reference works and review journals in an innovative online format. WIREs are designed to promote a cross-disciplinary research ethos while...
Behavioral Analysis in Social Networks
A review of the methods for modeling and analyzing online user behaviors found in social networks.
Social Media for #SciComm
A new publication from Wissenschaft im Dialog describes the changes, opportunities and risks of science communication through social media.
Autonomous robot swarms come together to perform a variety of missions
Researchers have developed an optimization program to design the behavior of small e-puck robots to allow them to work in unison.
Do voice assistants help alleviate loneliness?
Scientists explored whether evidence backs up the growing belief that voice assistants like Alexa can alleviate loneliness, especially in the elderly.
How carbon dioxide and biomass could become resilient, sustainable food sources
As valuable resources dwindle and environmental risks loom, reducing our dependence on traditional agriculture is becoming necessary.
New study reveals aligned brain waves strengthen the bond between humans and dogs
Scientists have discovered that human and dog brain waves synchronize during social interactions, offering new insights into our unique bond.
Misinformation spreads like a nuclear reaction on the internet
The new model simulating nuclear fission replicates the start and spread of rumors founded in misinformation.