Results for "social"
Climate-Relevant Behavioural Spillover

Climate-Relevant Behavioural Spillover

Collective behavioural change toward less environmentally-impactful lifestyles, particularly in industrialised nations, remains a substantial and obdurate barrier to mitigating the impacts of serious environmental problems, particularly global climate change.

The Role of Theology and Imagination in Climate Ethics

In a focus article recently published within WIREs Climate Change, Clingerman and O’Brien analyze these two very different ways of framing the moral problem of climate change, proposing that each leads to different outcomes for climate ethics and policy.

Understanding Loss from Climate Change, as if People Mattered

Understanding Loss from Climate Change, as if People Mattered

A look beyond predefined risk assessments, an explicit focus on value- and place-based priorities and decision making processes to access the impact on vulnerable communities at the center of analysis, to identify where, how, and when to target concrete efforts for risk reduction and prevent intolerable losses due to climate change.