Results for "DNA"
Measuring Protein-RNA Interactions Inside Living Cells

Measuring Protein-RNA Interactions Inside Living Cells

Methods to capture protein-RNA interactions. Different techniques are required to capture single-stranded (green), double-stranded (blue), and indirect (yellow) RNA interactions. Crosses (X) in red mark RNA sites that are crosslinked to the RNA binding protein.

Nature’s Nanoparticles for Improving Gene Transfer

Nature’s Nanoparticles for Improving Gene Transfer

A cryo-transmission electron micrograph of a new gene delivery system called exo-AAV. The adeno-associated virus vector (AAV) is packaged within a lipid bubble called an exosome. Multiple AAV vectors can be observed as dark structures inside the larger spherical exosome structure.

Genetically-Encoded Iron-Associated Proteins as MRI Reporter

Genetically-Encoded Iron-Associated Proteins as MRI Reporter

Visualization of cells contributing to disease or cell therapy is critical for the success of regenerative medicine. Genetically encoded iron-associated proteins detectable with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be utilized for cell tracking in the brain, heart, and cancer.