A new class of biocompatible protein-based nanoparticles that have outstanding near-infrared emission for deep tissue imaging.
Understanding human aging with the help of a worm
The lifespan of C. elegans, an organism that responds to cellular stress in a similar way to humans, can be extended by activating a mechanism initiated by glial cells in the brain.
How can nanoparticles improve photoacoustic imaging
How recent advancements in the developing of photoacoustic contrast agents are creating a better imaging technology.
Using Waste to Grow Packaging Materials
Roza Janusz has created an alternative to plastic packaging using organic materials that can either be eaten after use or safely composted.
Smart Compound Eyes Enable Tunable Imaging
A smart, biomimitic compound eye is made from proteins.
Substitutes for Packaging Materials Using Biodegradable Polymers
Improving food storage with biodegradable polymers that can prevent food products from rapidly spoiling and help the growing difficulty of waste build up in the environment.
In Vivo Imaging to Protect Critical Care Patients
OCT provides in vivo detection of bacterial biofilms in critical care patients to reduce the incidence of ventilator‐associated pneumonia.
Inflammation Hallmarks of Aging
Aged tissues bear the hallmarks of chronic inflammation.
3D Imaging of Carbon Nanotube Networks [Video]
Quantitative electron tomography provides deeper insight into the 3D topology of carbon nanotube networks.
Have Your Cake…and Eat the Packaging Too
Researchers study chickpea flour as a potential building block for biodegradable (and edible) packaging materials.