Results for "plastic"
A Rapidly Self-Healing Polymer for Wearable Devices

A Rapidly Self-Healing Polymer for Wearable Devices

Researchers from the Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology report a novel self-healing polymer that undergoes rapid self-healing by aromatic disulfide metathesis. More than 75% of the initial mechanical properties are restored within only 2 hours, making it a promising material for the wearable electronics industry.

Value from Wastewater

Value from Wastewater

Sewage sludge contains lots of valuable elements. Now, researchers are looking at ways in which wastewater treatment facilities can use it effectively.

Reinventing Wood

Reinventing Wood

Wood could potentially replace petrol in chemistry and concrete in construction, according to studies conducted under the Swiss Research Programme “Resource Wood”.

Superhydrophobic Smart Coating for Wearable Electronic Devices

Superhydrophobic Smart Coating for Wearable Electronic Devices

Ting Zhang and co-workers from the Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences develop a novel superhydrophobic and piezoresistive coating for wearable sensing devices. The coating is durable in harsh conditions and can be used to detect real-time human movement when fabricated as a wearable strain sensor.