The properties of transparent glass sponges make them an ideal light source for photobioreactors for producing biofuels from algae.
Testing and Improving Electromobility: Addressing the Electric Car
Many different parameters affect the service life of a battery-powered electrical vehicle, such as structural stability.
What Is My (Nano)Material Good For?
Whatever happened to curiosity-driven research aimed at the creation of fundamental knowledge without the need for immediate application?
Stuffing nuclear waste glasses
Research into waste management is a major part of international nuclear policy. New work offers an in-depth look into one solution, glasses.
Two Layers are Better than One for Nitric Oxide Detection
Nitric oxide detectors made of two to four layers of MoS2 incorporated into a field-effect transistor outperform a single-layered device.
Artificial Photosynthesis versus Greenhouse Gas
Professor Geoffrey Ozin discusses what he believes may be the largest challenge of the century—the development of an artificial photosynthetic machine.
Reviewed: Fullerenes: Nanochemistry, Nanomagnetism, Nanomedicine, Nanophotonics
MIT professor Mildred Dresselhaus takes a look at the latest work in fullerene chemistry.
The power is within you: Composite biofuel cells
Carbon nanotube-enzyme composite electrodes are applied in glucose biofuel cells.
Multimetallic Nanomachines: Magnetic and Chemical Power Combine
Scientists at University of California, San Diego, USA, led by Joseph Wang, have put together a multisegment nanomotor that contains components responsive to magnetic and to chemical stimuli.
Graphene for DNA Sequencing: Single-Atom Sheets, Single-Molecule Sequencing
Edge-hydrogenation of carbon electrodes could further the quest for solid-state, single-molecule DNA sequencing.