Results for "solar"
Tales Around the Clock: poly(A) Tails in Circadian Gene Expression

Tales Around the Clock: poly(A) Tails in Circadian Gene Expression

Light is perhaps the main environmental cue (zeitgeber) that affects several aspects of physiology and behaviour, such as sleep/wake cycles, orientation of birds and bees, and leaf movements in plants. Temperature can serve as the main zeitgeber in the absence of light cycles, even though it does not lead to rhythmicity through the same mechanism as light.

Bidding Strategies in Austrian and German Balancing Power Auctions

Bidding Strategies in Austrian and German Balancing Power Auctions

In the current Austrian and German market design, suppliers submit a three-dimensional bid that consists of a power offer (MW), a power bid (Euro/MW) and an energy bid (Euro/MWh). The scoring rule, which determines the winners of the auction, is based on the power bid exclusively, and pay-as-bid pricing is applied, i.e., an awarded bidder receives the bid figure.