Scientists are exploring how to store and transport ready-to-use bioink cartridges to treat injuries on the International Space Station.
Infrared: The future of anti-counterfeit tags?
A new study proposes a technique to print images on a special surface such that they can only be seen by authorized recipients.
Sensor translates sign language into audio
With the help of machine learning, a skin-like sensor internalizes different stimuli, allowing it to read and interpret hand movement.
Facial movement allows hands-free control of devices
Sensors developed to respond to jaw movement can be connected wirelessly to different devices for hands-free control.
Science in pictures
From boosterless vaccine platforms to goopy 2D inks and color-changing crystals, here are some of the most striking images collected from our journals.
Degradable microrobots could help deliver cells within the body
Researchers find the sweet spot between strength and biocompatibility in these tiny cell-carrying microrobots.
This month in pictures
Bacteria-killing micromotors, microscopic patchworks, and DNA fibers decorated with self-made “smileys” — science has never looked better.
What’s sweeter than a robot made from candy?
By mixing sugar and magnetic particles, researchers create biodegradable “CANDYBOTS” with potential applications in drug delivery and ingestible devices.
Joining forces to build realistic living tissue
Hybridizing biofabrication processes will lead us to superior “living” tissue and organ substitutes that can be used to treat patients in lieu of donor grafts and metal and plastic devices.
This month in pictures
Bringing science to life through spectacular images.