This month’s Advanced Engineering Materials covers and top papers!

This month’s Advanced Engineering Materials covers and top papers!
A colloidal nanocrystal layer enables 2D to 3D shape transformations of “hard” inorganic materials.
Clinically approved hydrogels can be structured across multiple length scales to generate materials with a variety of new physical properties.
Advanced Healthcare Materials papers you have downloaded and read the most last month.
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Professor Feng Zhang from Guangzhou Medical University, Professor Hao Pei from East China Normal University, and co-workers report a flexible electrochemical sensor based on a 3D-printable hydrogel. The device could be used as a glucose sensor, demonstrating its potential in biosensing applications.
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Science fact catches up with science fiction: by exploiting magnetic levitation, biomanufacturing – creating living 3D structures – is now possible in zero gravity. Utkan Demirci discusses how this works.
Researchers design a bio-inspired batoid robot from non-toxic hydrogels operated with Au microelectrodes.
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