Sending atomic and nuclear clocks into the inner reaches of our solar system could help scientists find proof of elusive dark matter.
Explaining the Universe’s accelerated expansion without dark energy
A modification to the theory of general relativity makes it consistent with observable astronomical data without the need for dark energy.
General relativity may need tweaking on the grand scale of the Universe
Conflict between theory and observational evidence suggests a missing ingredient in our understanding of the early Universe.
Evolution of the Universe simulated in a lab
Using the motion of sound waves through a superfluid liquid, scientists can model the Universe’s evolution on a reasonable time scale.
What is quantum gravity?
Quantum gravity seeks to describe gravity according to the principles of quantum mechanics, but can it be done?
Ultra-cold atoms help test fundamental theory of solids
Cold ytterbium atoms were used to test a fundamental theory which describes phenomena in solids such as magnetism and superconductivity.
Is the Universe running out of stars?
Astronomers are discovering that the rate of star formation in the universe is dropping, and they want to know why.
String theory used to describe the expanding universe
To address unknown quantum gravitational effects in the early universe, physicists have recruited string theory to help solve the problem.
Stephen Jay Gould, from evolution to revolution
Paleontologist, historian, evolutionary biologist, writer; Stephen Jay Gould sparked a revolution in how scientists view evolution.
Our universe might have two layers
Using bilayered graphene, physicists explore the possibility that our reality is only one half of a pair of interacting worlds.