A customizable scaffold helps repair bones and rebuild tissue using the patient’s own cells.
Organotypic Culture System for in vitro Bone Modeling
An organotypic culture system that allows the production of bone tissue features on a centimeter scale.
Getting Tough: Photopolymers to Enhance Bone Scaffold Materials
Researchers focus on improving the existing molecular scaffolding that is used for bone regeneration.
Cover Art: Osteogenesis, Anti‐Inflammatory Nanotherapeutics & Bone Regeneration
Check out the latest covers of Advanced Healthcare Materials!
Using Raman Spectroscopy To Assess Brittle Bones
A team of American researchers tested the possibilites of using Raman spectroscopy to assess collagen structure or collagen integrity in bone.
Building Better Bone (Repair)
Scientists search for better scaffolding to help in bone repair and regeneration.
Overcoming a Sticking Point for Bone Healing
A strong bioinspired adhesive is developed to aid bone fracture healing.
Repairing Bone Fractures Using High‐Performance Thiol-Ene Adhesive [Video]
A new adhesive is developed for in vivo fracture fixation.
Next Generation Interactive Tool as a Backbone for Universal Access to Electricity
Electrification planning in rural areas and in developing countries most often relies on the outputs of specialized analytical tools that support geographically-referenced analyses
Cover Art – Theranostics, Pre-Metastatic Niche and Bone Regeneration
Check out the latest covers of Advanced Healthcare Materials!