Polymer scientists at the 2013 MRS Fall meeting in Boston brought another year of materials science research to a close with a bang.

Book review: Biopolymer Composites
Marisa Masumi Beppu, University of Campinas SP, Brazil reviews Biopolymer Nanocomposites: Processing, Properties, and Application.

Composite laminates might replace metallic implants
Researchers from Universities in Germany, Brazil, and Israel designed promising multilayer composites applicable as bone fracture fixation devices but also for other orthopedic applications.

200 000 years of practical experience: The science and technology of adhesives
Macromolecular Reaction Engineering has published two special issues on the science and technology of adhesive materials and bio-inspired adhesives, guest-edited by Hadi Izadi and Alexander Penlidis.

Developing crack-resistant ceramic composites
Bremen researchers investigate the feasibility of designing artificial bioinspired ceramic composites with very high crack resistance.

Engineering teeth with a synthetic biomaterial
French group demonstrate a unique nanofibrous active implant for bone-tooth unit regeneration.

Spotlight on Polymer Chemistry, Issue 20
The Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry highlights some important research in the latest issue.

Microfluidic modulation of stem cell microenvironments
A microfluidic mixing platform creates 3D hydrogels systems with patterns of cell and matrix constituents inspired by native hematopoietic stem cell niches.

Spotlight on Professor Molly Stevens
Professor Molly Stevens has become a recognised role model in science. She has won award after award and built a large and successful research group at Imperial College London.
Producing precise hydrogels for medical applications
New work describes a strategy to produced hydrogels of precise stiffness for the organization of blood vessel cells into vascular structures.