Results for "brain"
Confererence Report: TEDx Berlin

Confererence Report: TEDx Berlin

This year’s edition of TEDx Berlin, entitled “FOCUS”, was held on September 3rd and encompassed three sessions with invited speakers in different topics covering Digital Life and its challenges. Image copyright TEDxBerlin 2017.

Serotonin Neuron Development: Shaping Molecular and Structural Identities

Serotonin neurons are highly plastic; their development, maturation and regeneration is controlled by a complex gene regulatory network in constant interaction with the environment. An overview article recently published in WIREs Developmental Biology offers an updated view of these fundamental developmental mechanisms, pointing to the many ways by which developmental dysfunction of serotonin systems might occur at different periods in life. This opens new possibilities for therapeutic intervention, which can range from prevention of risk to stem cell therapies.