Recent research in to the biological applications of the organic electrochemical transistor is reviewed in the Journal of Applied Polymer Science

Recent research in to the biological applications of the organic electrochemical transistor is reviewed in the Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Eric Betzig, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Stefan Hell, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, and William Moerner, Stanford University, share award for the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy.
Work is underway at BAE Systems to give aircraft human-like ‘skin’, enabling the detection of injury or damage.
Raman spectroscopy of the retina coupled with multivariate analysis might become a promising tool to study retina diseases in vivo.
Interview with John Rogers as he joins the Executive Advisory Board of the new journal Advanced Electronic Materials.
Silica-coated gold nanorods with absorption at precisely 780 nm cause action potentials in nerve cells when exposed to laser light.
New Humboldt Professorships have been awarded, among them three prominent international physicists working on electronic, magnetic and superconducting materials.
A new, quasi-solid-state electrode which is suitable for long term cutaneous recording has been reported by French scientists.
1.8mm wind turbines could be used to power cellphones, microelectronics, and have attracted the interested of WindMEMS.
IR and Raman spectral imaging can distinguish between tissue types, disease types and stages, and even identify the primary tumors from spectral patterns observed in metastatic cells.