Researchers suggest using conducting polymers as a new type of dry (gel-free) electrode for EEG.

Researchers suggest using conducting polymers as a new type of dry (gel-free) electrode for EEG.
A noninvasive, controlled method of drug delivery via functionalising gold nanocages for Alzheimer’s disease therapy increases the therapeutic efficacy of chelation therapy.
Team investigate the ability of the body to accept stretchable electronic devices for long-term use.
Physicists from the University of York have carried out new research into how the heating effect of an experimental cancer treatment works.
Treating cells with iron oxide nanoparticles allows them to be steered through the body by magnets.
New website from English PhD students aims to focus the power of the internet to find applications for scientific research.
Therapeutic strategies for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease have been investigated by a team from the Indian Institute of Technology at Guwahati.
Mark G. Allen has been named the inaugural scientific director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Krishna P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology.
New setup for ex vivo detection reveals low concentrations of biomarkers such as circulating tumor cells, bacteria and nanoparticles in cerebrospinal fluid.
Northwestern University scientist Chad A. Mirkin has been named 2013 Chemistry World Entrepreneur of the Year by the Royal Society of Chemistry.