Results for "brain"
Nanotherapeutic Systems for Local Treatment of Brain Tumors

Nanotherapeutic Systems for Local Treatment of Brain Tumors

Malignant brain tumors are heterogeneous and invasive, with high morbidity and mortality rates. The main challenge associated in treating such tumors is the presence of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), which actively filters out molecules entering from the blood stream. (Image credit: Triff/Shutterstock)

Preparing Brain Tumors for Therapy

Preparing Brain Tumors for Therapy

Matrix-metalloprotease (MMP)-sensitive hydrogel particles intend to utilize the unique properties of tumor cells, such as high concentration of MMP enzymes, along with the synergistic activities of an apoptosis-inducing protein (TRAIL) and the TRAIL sensitizer drug Quinacrine.

Brain Traffic Jam Resolved

Brain Traffic Jam Resolved

Treatment options for Alzheimer’s disease are revealed in a bio-mimetic lab-on-a-chip system, modelling intracellular kinesin-microtubule transport.

Sex on the Brain?

Sex on the Brain?

A recent Special Issue of The Journal of Neuroscience Research (JNR) on “Gender Influences on Nervous System Function” indicates that sex matters at all levels of the brain.