A nanoparticle targets mitochondria in cancer cells, offering a promising new strategy to tackle chemotherapy resistance tumor spread.

A nanoparticle targets mitochondria in cancer cells, offering a promising new strategy to tackle chemotherapy resistance tumor spread.
The system detects biomarkers for life-threatening diseases, such as heart attacks and cancer, enabling timely medical intervention.
Scientists integrate light therapy and antibiotics into a single platform to help the body create its own tumor vaccine.
SARS-CoV-2 marker used to trigger the immune system against cancer, showing promise in shrinking tumors and improving survival in mice.
BENEIN is a computer network that can identify the master regulators that cause normal cells to go cancerous.
Researchers developed a laser-activated drug that targets and destroys chemotherapy-resistant pancreatic cancer cells in mice.
A new study reveals that lacidipine, a common antihypertensive medication, slows tumor growth in triple-negative breast cancer.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6OesBgrbgE Researchers are exploring a new approach to cancer treatment by transforming tumor cells into a more rigid, fibrotic state, which may help to slow cancer’s growth. Traditionally, fibrosis — a process that thickens tissue —...
The customizable implant releases an anticancer drug in the presence of new tumors that might go undetected by MRI.
New findings shed light on how cervical cancer spreads to the lymph nodes, opening the door for treatments that could stop the process.