Cancer Reports Poster Prizes: Cancer Genomics and Mathematical Data Analysis Symposium

Cancer Reports Poster Prizes: Cancer Genomics and Mathematical Data Analysis Symposium
Research into how to better visualize tumor cells during surgery is underway, with a hope of limiting the occurrence of positive surgical margins.
In their review in BioEssays, Beata Ujvari and colleagues review how the transmissible cancer termed ‘devil facial tumor disease’ affects life history adaptations in Tasmanian devils.
A biosensor based on SERS to detect lung cancer volatile organic compound (VOC) from exhaled breath.
The process of metastasis, in which cancer cells migrate to distant organs from the primary tumor region, is the key pathological event responsible for 90% of all of the cancer-related deaths. The critical early steps of the metastatic cascade of events, namely...
Synthetic cells that function as autonomous systems for producing an anti-cancer protein inside the body are developed.
A novel reactive oxygen species (ROS)-promoted nanomedicine platform can effectively inhibit tumor growth, reduce side effects experienced in common anticancer drugs, while promote on-target uptake.
Biomaterials are engineered to improve the safety and efficacy of current cancer immunotherapies.
A study on the mechanisms and effects of RNA and microRNA editing on the initiation and progression of cancer.
Cold-inducible RNA binding protein (CIRP) in human cancers is reviewed, where it has been implicated in tumor suppression and promotion.